
We provide educational programs that enhance your child’s skills and knowledge, engaging them in a play-based curriculum, that supports self-esteem and emotional intelligence to be nurtured and developed.

Our programs are reflective of your child’s current knowledge, learning and development needs, ideas, strengths, abilities and interests. We develop programs that are inclusive of all children and families, and where social and cultural backgrounds are integrated, respected and valued.

Through our understanding of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and My Time, Our Place (MTOP), our educational curriculum is flexible and responsive to changes in children’s abilities, interests and skills, and enhances learning by incorporating a balance of learning experiences, either guided by the child and their interest or the educator. Our educators plan a balance of indoor and outdoor experiences, incorporating provisions for individuals and/or groups of children to work on projects over extended periods of time.

Our Centre Philosophy underpins the educational decisions made for the program and we use information collected about our children and families to make quality decisions
in relation to educational experiences, appropriate and stimulating learning environments, routines and children’s independent development.
As your child grows and develops, we capture this journey through individual Learning Journals that are available for you to view and discuss with your child’s educators.

Our centre recognises that to enhance children’s learning, engaging parents, guardians and significant family members in sharing home experiences with our educators provides a way of communicating  their expectations and values.  This platform for collaboration, and more importantly connection, to a child’s home environment is an integral component to the success of our educational curriculum.